Where Has The Time Gone?

Really it’s more like where is my time going? It’s been a little over two years since my last post. Seems like so much longer.

Rather than try to remember and recap everything that’s changed in my life since then, I want to start writing down all of my goals for 2014. Yes, the New Year ‘s Resolution bandwagon. Statistically, 40% of people make resolutions but only 8% achieve them. So here goes nothing:

  • KIT. Remember what this meant in the pages of your yearbook? We have every form of communication at our fingertips, but keeping in touch seems overwhelming and has not been a priority. I want to change that. It’s my own fault if people that are important to me seem distant and news on their lives comes from Facebook. I have to do a better job of reaching out, and my first step will be email. I’m often missing calls and occasionally ignoring others knowing I don’t have enough time to give to the person on the other end as much as I’d like. So rather than try to schedule it, I’d rather do it in my own time via email with the hopes the other person will be cool with this method. At least it’s start right?
  • Health. In the last two years I’ve: visited a dermatologist for the first time and finally got a skin problem diagnosed, had my first root canal, had all four wisdom teeth removed and had my eyes checked so many times I was finally prescribed medicated drops. We’re gettin older and with each passing year more and more health problems pop up. I’m determined to be more “preventative” in my healthcare. That means, continuing dental visits regularly, because what more can they possibly pull out now?, finding a new  gyno in the city, getting physicals and speaking up when the doctor asks, “Is there anything you want to ask about?” On the weight front–I am at my “scary” weight. By that I mean the weight I never thought I’d reach personally and it scares me. The number itself isn’t scary, it’s not that weighing this is wrong or bad, it’s how quickly I got here. Seems like every season now I’m squeezing into clothes that just fit a year ago and I’m fed up. I got a gym membership at the beginning of 2013 and have actually been going more regularly than my last attempt in 2011 (2x week minimum). I will continue even though my pants are discouraging.

And on the list of things on my mind, with no real resolution to make except to keep on moving:

  • Life Planning. All around me life plans are coming to fruition. It’s exciting, surreal, and yes, a bit overwhelming though aren’t even my own. My friends are moving into new phases of our post-college lives, and they range all across the board–babies, dogs, homes and relocating. My life plan for a very long time included graduating, moving to Chicago and starting a career. Well, I’m here. I have a lingering question mark hanging over me that shines, “What’s next?” Joe and I moved in together in February (officially) in our own place. It’s been such a learning experience. When he was overseas, I prayed and tried to imagine the day when this would finally happen. No more long distance, no more short distance, no more one weekend a month trips, just him and I together. And here we are. Moving in with someone was in many ways what people said it would be –same as before–and in some ways different. On good days, I am so beyond grateful to wake up next to him, to have help with everything, to have someone to come home to on shitty days. On rough days, I miss some independence, control over the TV and my ability to avoid fast foods and snack cakes. With Joe recently going back to school, I’m excited for his future. It’s been a rough year and half for him, but I know he’s one of the most hard working people I know (talking to you future employers) and we will get through this phase like we have all the rest.

Twenty Eleven

A little gym inspiration

A year ago, I did what many people do on New Year’s Eve. Bought a hot dress, paid too much for an all-you-can-drink/eat wristband at a club and ventured out into the freezing Chicago winter with my friends. Despite everyone coming together, I somehow managed to start crying at midnight. Not out of happiness, not because I was drunk and emotional (I had one full drink the entire night) but because I knew the imminence of what was to come in 2010. And I was scared.

2010 was a year I could not have possibly expected and planned for compared to the last few. In one big swoop I moved out of good ol’ mom and dad’s, became a city girl, was rewarded for working my ass off at work, surprised myself at the projects and challenges I handled with a new role, and in my personal life, dealt with my long distance relationship turning onto a brand new road.

We’re now two weeks into the new year and I feel like its been so much longer. 2011 has already started off like getting hit by a bus full of sad discoveries, angry confessions and e-mails. So while the LDR is now in the middle of a huge turning point (and there’s basically nothing I can do about it until March), work has temporarily become life and my friendships need a little TLC, I’m determined to find something really positive to focus on. My solution–the GYM.

This whole gym thing is a new experience for me. Minus pretending to know what the hell I was doing for credit in high school, I’ve never gone to gyms or regularly exercised (no team sports for this girl). Realistically, I’d just like some endorphins and better sleep, but it seems like people are definitely not there for the same reasons. There’s lots of staring at one another (insecure much?), grunting (yes, we see you benching 200 lbs.), and naked women walking around the locker room. I’m glad they are secure with their bodies–I mean seriously I hope my goods are still hot at 40–but do you really need to walk around a locker room in just your thong? If I’m being completely ridiculous here, let me know…its just been a bit of a shock stepping into the locker room and seeing more nakedness in five minutes than I have all through college.

Hoping that I stick to this whole gym thing although I’m sure the odds are against me, and most people are probably expecting me to quit. For the record, I still don’t know how to successfully start “quick start” and get the TV on (seriously, I think that machine was broken). However, I’m telling myself I want to be able to hold a plank position and not be the first weak ass in my class to fall out of formation. Sounds like a pretty good goal to me, what do you think?

– Gloria